1725 Echo Lake Drive
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
(561) 882-3870
Email us to: info@bakpto.com
Please like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/BakMSOAPTO
Our Mission
The mission of the Bak Middle School of the Arts Parent Teacher Organization, Bak MSOA PTO, is to support students in achieving their educational goals; to assist the faculty and administration wherever needed; to provide communication between the parents and the school; and to plan, organize, and execute events and programs which generate the resources and mechanisms necessary to fulfill these objectives.
Projects Funded 2016-2017
Technological Equipment : gave over 60K to technology which purchased 192 laptops and carts. ; Gave over 12K in Grants; Gave over 4K towards teacher training; Emergency Funding for Staff and Students.
Projects Funded 2017-2018
Renewed IXL program for students for school year 2017-2018 $13,750
5 new microwaves for cafeteria
11ft Umbrellas for Courtyard $1,500
Teacher grants for $2,700
8th grade dance and end of school activities for $2,500
Purchased all students award certificates
PTO helps in:
Smaller Classroom Needs
Support for technology funded by Foundation
Smaller/individual technological purchases
Individual Teacher Grants
Internal Social Gatherings (TAW in addition to the treats we give teachers all year)
Fundraisers include membership, 8th grade dance, Starfest, shirt and merchandise